What is OC’s Track and Trace protocol
Collection of Contact Details and current Covid-19 Health status
- All Visitors are to scan our NHS Track and Trace Code.
- All Players and Volunteers are required to complete our Covid 19 Google form as part of our Track & Trace protocol.
The form will be issued to you by the Team Manager or Coach organising the activity. For Data privacy the details collected within the form will be collated and stored in our clubs secure Drop Box area and will be removed 21 days after.
Who do we contact if symptoms occur within 48 hrs after attending the club?
- Please immediately inform your Team Manager or Coach (if it is a player, parent or volunteer) or the Clubs office if you were a social visitor not linked to an age group.
- The Team Manager/Coach will then inform Bruce Elder,the clubs Covid-19 First Aid Liaison officer,
- Please go to: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ for advice.
What will happen if someone informs us they have symptoms after attending the club?
If the club are notified that someone is presenting with symptoms within 48 hours after taking part in rugby activity at Horn Park we will consult with the Head Coach and Team Manager of that age group and the party involved.
Should the person report back with a confirmed Positive result for COVID 19, we will update the group and direct them to: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
We will then follow the advice of the NHS track and trace protocol should there be a localised issue within our club.
For all information and advice regarding Covid 19 please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
OCRFC Covid Risk assessments
- OC’s Club Coaching Covid 19 Risk Assessment
- Club and First Aid Risk Assessment – (request to view – file too large to upload)
- Horn Park Covid Risk Assesment
- RFU advice and updates: https://www.englandrugby.com/news/article/return-to-community-rugby-update