Hello and welcome to the brand new OCRFC.co.uk for 2018-19.
You are one of the very first visitors to this new site and as such will probably recognise that it is still a work in progress. We’ve decided to launch early and build up the site as quickly as possible thereafter.
With that in mind, we would be most grateful if you could help in this mission in any of the following ways:
- If you see a clear error, please let us know. These could be typo’s, broken links, broken layout, etc etc
- If you would like to be a content creator for OCRFC.co.uk let us know. It would be fabulous if we could get many more people on board to write stories/match reports etc for the site. There is no minimum commitment – anything you do would be appreciated.
- If you have ideas for further improvements or features, once again, please let us know.
All of the above can be sent to timtunnicliff@gmail.com
Many thanks, and here’s to a successful season and a vibrant website!